Guardians Of The Veil
I have always loved truth so passionately
that I have often resorted to lying as a way of introducing it
into the minds which were ignorant of its charms.
-Giacomo Casanova

Nature: Mage Organization
Faction: Pentacle
Status: Atlantean Order
Mythic Name: Eye of the Dragon
Soundtrack: Another Way to Die - Alicia Keys &Jack White


The Law of the Mask


Exoteric Tenets

  1. Paradox strengthens the Abyss as punishment answers pride
  2. Sins for a just end grants wisdom to the Awakened
  3. Merit must guide the Fallen World

Esoteric Tenets

  1. All thrones are false; all souls are flawed
  2. There is a secret hierarchy of souls
  3. The Hieromagus will fulfill the Diamond Wheel


Rote Skills

  • Investigation
  • Stealth
  • Subterfuge


Order Titles

1.Cultor: Forfatter av kulter, den som skriver konspirasjoner
1.Emissary: Forteller omverdenen hva ordenen har bestemt seg for, og tar beskjeder tilbake
2.Interfector: Bøddel, ukjent, maske-kledd agent utenfor loven. Blir møtt med mistillit og hat
3.Susceptor: Spesialtagentene, ut på oppdrag. James Bond, infiltratorer, hemmelige agenter
4.Epopt: Organiserer hvem som gjør hva og når, bestemmer også over lokale kultene og slikt


Guardian Legacies



Guardian Mages

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